Weilai full-scene power-up network -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Weilai full-scene power-up network -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The combination of the two forms of Weilai charging and power change, combined with the convenient power-up under the intelligent location, has made the full-scene power-up network and user experience an unsurpassed moat for Weilai.

On July 6, the 1000th NIO. US exchange station was officially put into operation in Lhasa, Tibet, with an average altitude of more than 4000 meters.

Mr. Cai, who started from Hainan and headed west, became the first customer to place an order for the Lhasa exchange station. It takes three minutes to complete a power change, "which is the same as that of ordinary fuel vehicles." Mr. Cai drove a new energy vehicle around Tibet, using the world's first 100% clean energy power station to replenish energy, making him feel that he has also contributed to the protection of the plateau ecological environment.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

At present, Weilai has arranged 1 replacement station, 1 overcharge station and 17 destination charging stations in Tibet Autonomous Region.

Incomplete energy supplement facilities for electric vehicles have always been a major pain point. Being able to travel smoothly in the plateau is a big step in the development of electric vehicles, and it also improves Weilai's charging and changing puzzle in China.

Ulai NIOPower, a renewable and renewable energy service system, has officially opened its services to new energy vehicle owners since June 28, 2018.

As of July 6, 2022, Weilai has built a total of 1011 power stations (including 256 power stations on highways), 1681 charging stations (9603 charging piles) and more than 520000 third-party charging piles. It has provided users with more than 10 million power change services and more than 820000 one-button power up services.

"By 2025, Weilai will have more than 4000 seats in the world, 1000 overseas and more than 3000 in China." Qin Lihong, the co-founder and president of Weilai, reiterated this goal at NIOPowerDay in 2022. In addition to enhancing the density of charging and switching facilities, Weilai has higher requirements for experience and efficiency of its full-scene power-up network.

The power-on network is refined to every kilometer

Billie O, the owner of Weilai ES6, is a native of Beijiao, Foshan, Guangdong Province. He picked up the car for more than a year. After getting acquainted with Weilai, he found that Weilai was eager to work with "users" from the activities and even the construction of the power station. With the intention of striving for the welfare of "electricity district housing", Billie proposed to build a replacement power station around her home to Chen Xiaowen, the deputy general manager of Weilai Foshan, and volunteered to serve as the "site manager of the replacement power station".

The term "electric district house" comes from Weilai Community, referring to the residential or office space within 3 kilometers from the power station. As of July 6, 2022, the national coverage rate of "electric district housing" reached 62.1%. Qin Lihong said, "By 2025, the target of the coverage rate of electric district houses will reach 90%."

On the premise that the road is close, the power station has no oil, gas and tail gas pollution from the gas station, and the user can start the automatic power change without getting off the car, without having to deal with promotional activities such as fuel oil, and can also use mobile phones for communication without restriction. Therefore, the experience of users living or working in the "electric area room" by changing the power station nearby is basically beyond the experience of driving the fuel truck to the nearby gas station for refueling.

"At first, I just thought that a square aluminum box could be used after installation. But I didn't think that it was really as easy to land a replacement power station in Weilai as you think." Billie said.

Billie and his friends chose three points in the Beijiao Country Garden. "As a layman, I am not aware of all kinds of equipment. We should not only consider the infrastructure requirements, but also maximize the preservation of the original environment and even optimize the original environment, which can not affect the lives of the existing residents, and finally chose the best location."

Since the first site was surveyed in May last year, it has experienced various difficulties, such as being rejected by the property owner, and the location is difficult to meet the daily convenient charging scene. After half a year, the Weilai second-generation charging and replacement integrated station of Bijiang Station in Beijiao, Foshan has officially started operation. Billie hopes to have venue resources, and enthusiastic riders can also take the initiative to contact Weilai's partners, "Isn't the 'electric area room' they have won fragrant?"

In the energy supplement system of Weilai NIOPower, the charging and replacement network is not only detailed to cities, towns and streets, but also divided into small squares every kilometer of the city, with gray and blue representing the power demand per kilometer.

Based on the user's perceptible power up time, Weilai has four power up methods, namely, home charging pile charging, power change, one-button power up and on-road charging, which means "convenient power up".

With the possession of 200000 units in Weilai nationwide, in June, the four scenarios of Weilai users, namely, power replacement, home charging pile, on-road charging (supermarkets and shopping malls), and one-button power up, accounted for 52.3%, 24.2%, 11.4%, and 0.9% of the total power up, respectively. Convenient charging is the first demand of users. In the convenient power-on scenario, power-on is more convenient than refueling.

"Charging with a home charging pile is the best way to power up. Having a home charging pile for an electric vehicle is like having a fuel car with its own dedicated gas station. The home charging pile only needs to plug the charging gun into the charging port when getting off the car to start charging; when you leave, you can use the car by pulling the gun off, and the perceptible power up time in the whole process is less than 1 minute." Qin Lihong said frankly.

Qin Lihong stressed: "As long as the brand of Weilai exists, it will continue forever, and you can't ask for it."

Qin Lihong said that Weilai hopes that by 2025, the convenient power-on can reach more than 90%, enabling users to realize senseless power-on and completely get rid of mileage anxiety. The combination of the two forms of Weilai charging and power change, combined with the convenient power-up under the intelligent location, has made the full-scene power-up network and user experience an unsurpassed moat for Weilai.

Digital twin exchange station behind unattended exchange station

On July 6, Weilai first unveiled the operation "black box" of NIOPower on NIOPower Day in 2022. The power-on network is refined to a grid of every kilometer. The powerful algorithm model can put forward scientific and reasonable suggestions on the construction of the energy supplement network. Behind the unattended power station is a set of digital twin systems. Professional engineers can grasp the situation of the power station in real time and carry out timely maintenance by sitting in front of the computer.

Shen Fei, vice president of Weilai, said: "In order to provide a more convenient power-on experience than refueling, in addition to the continuous layout of the construction of the charge-change network, we should also maximize the value of each power-on resource. The NIOPowerCloud, based on AI IoT technology, is the brain of the NIOPower service network."

Shen Fei disassembled the Ulai Energy Cloud into four parts: intelligent location, intelligent operation and maintenance, intelligent recommendation, and grid interaction.

1. Intelligent location: location assistance method based on spatial big data

NIOPower system has been able to systematically recommend the construction of the station after the city is gridded by one kilometer, and after the big data training model, and can predict the single volume and the whole process of power change time after the completion. "The intelligent simulation system for site selection can understand the effect without building, and can also measure the user's experience," Shen Fei said.

2. Intelligent operation and maintenance: high-performance power-on network IoT system

Each city and each power station has a signboard similar to the following figure. The above shows the total number of cumulative power exchange orders, the health of power exchange, the number of power exchange stations, the duration of the whole process of power exchange, the penetration rate of power exchange, and the coverage rate of 3km electricity area. As of July 6, there were 8861 batteries in Weilai National Power Station.

Behind each power station, there is a corresponding digital space, that is, the reality space of the digital twin system. "We can see every detail of the power station in the digital space very intuitively. We can see how the battery works and how each bolt rotates," Shen Fei said.

This digital space brings two very practical benefits. "The first can be used for training, and the second is to help with remote operation and maintenance" Shen Fei said that nearly 100 stations in Weilai are piloting unattended ones, but it is not really unattended, but professional engineers are staring at the operation and maintenance. Once a fault occurs at a certain location, the fault can be located immediately to improve the reliability of unattended power stations. "

3. Intelligent planning: path planning in real scenarios

"We are trying to make very personalized recommendations, but now this is not perfect." Shen Fei hopes that intelligent planning in the future can not only perfectly fit the actual situation, but also fit the user's psychology

4. Power grid interaction: low charging and high efficiency, peak shaving and valley filling, helping to achieve the goal of double carbon

Weilai is the first vehicle enterprise in China to organize large-scale users to participate in the response to power grid demand. Up to now, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has accumulated more than 5000 users and absorbed more than 5 million kilowatt-hours of clean energy. It has become the first vehicle enterprise in China to organize users to participate in grid interaction on a large scale.

In the Weilai App, the platform has accumulated more than 950000 real user comments about local power-up resources, and scored different power-up resources to facilitate users to screen high-quality power-up resources.

In 2025, electric vehicles will travel smoothly in China

Mr. Cai drove all the way from Sanya, Hainan, to Lhasa. "Under the smart line planning of mobile APP, there is a power station every 300-400 kilometers, which has been changed more than ten times. It feels very convenient."

On September 12 last year, Weilai announced the high-speed power exchange network plan of "five vertical, three horizontal and four metropolitan areas". On June 22, along with the official opening of the G15 Shenyang-Hai high-speed power exchange network, the "five vertical, three horizontal and four metropolitan areas" high-speed power exchange network was officially completed. At present, 205 power exchange stations have been put online, covering more than 20000 kilometers of expressways.

It includes five "longitudinal" expressways, including G1 Beijing-Harbin Expressway, G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, G5 Beijing-Kunming Expressway, and G15 Shenyang-Haihai Expressway; G30 Lianhuo Expressway (Lianyungang, Jiangsu – Baoji, Shaanxi), G50 Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway and G60 Shanghai-Kunming Expressway (Shanghai-Shaoyang, Hunan); The expressways within the four "metropolitan areas" of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Dawan District and Chengdu-Chongqing.

In addition, Weilai has built three PowerUpPlan destinations plus circuit lines in Sichuan-Tibet, Yunnan-Tibet, and Qinghai-Tibet, facilitating the self-driving of all new energy vehicle users into Tibet.

In December 2020, Weilai opened the country's first Sichuan-Tibet fast charging route, from Chengdu to Everest base camp, and arranged 14 20 kW fast charging stations along the route, with a total distance of more than 2900 kilometers.

In August 2021, Weilai will further improve the energy supplement construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, starting from Xining in the east and Lhasa in the west, with 15 charging and exchange stations covering 2400 kilometers, with an average of one station every 170 kilometers, passing through famous scenic spots such as Qinghai Lake and Chaka Salt Lake.

On April 30, 2022, Weilai officially opened the charging route of the Yunnan-Tibet line, with a total length of about 2250km. It has arranged 2 replacement stations, 2 overcharge stations and 13 charging stations, with an average distance of 141km. New energy owners can start from Kunming, the Spring City, and arrive at Lhasa via Dali, Lijiang, Shangri-La, Changdu and Linzhi.

Dmitry, the owner of the original version of ES8, who lives in Beijing, drove from Beijing to Sanya for 36 hours, and changed the electricity all the way. According to his relevant experience, a large SUV in this form would cost at least 3000 yuan for fuel, but driving Weilai only used 30 yuan for electricity.

Weilai will continue to lay out and construct the power supply network. By 2025, it is expected to build a total of 4000 power stations around the world, open up the high-speed power supply network of "nine vertical and nine horizontal urban agglomerations", and build 168 powerUpPlan destination charging lines. Next, Weilai will also successively announce new power-on facilities, including liquid-cooled ultra-fast charging piles with a peak power of 500kW and a peak current of 650A, and third-generation power stations, and announce the opening of 800V high-voltage platform battery packs and supporting power exchange systems to the whole industry.



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