TSLA R & D high -performance battery -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

TSLA develops "high -performance" battery life will double -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

In today's automotive industry, the name Tesla must be known, and it is also called the "apple" of the automotive industry. However, it is undeniable that Tesla, as a pure electric vehicle, has the disadvantages such as insufficient battery life and other disadvantages to become concerned when consumers buy, and Tesla is also seeking a better solution. Recently, Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk said in accepting overseas media: We are developing high -performance batteries, and Tesla electric vehicles will reach 800 kilometers in the future. Based on Models Mileage, Tesla will double the basis of existing battery life.

The new battery technology of Tesla is actually a new material such as graphene. It is currently the thinnest of the battery materials that has been used. Due to its low resistivity, the speed of electronic migration, large surface area and good conductive performance, it is considered by scientists to be an ideal electrode material for lithium ion batteries. Therefore, after using a new material battery, Tesla's mileage will be greatly improved compared to existing lithium ion batteries.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

At present, after the Models is equipped with a 85kWh battery pack, the maximum range is 426 kilometers. Regarding this value, Tesla CEO Musk was not satisfied. In an interview with British Auto Media Magazine: At present, we are studying high -performance batteries, and Tesla cars will soon be able to drive 805 kilometers. Tesla's innovation in battery technology will arouse the market's attention to improving lithium -ion battery energy density materials.

Tesla has previously announced that in order to build electric vehicles that are more affordable for prices, the business rise in the United States and other markets will be accelerated. In the future The new plant will be put into production in 2017. It is understood that Panasonic will invest about 6 billion yuan to support the project, accounting for 55%of the total investment. With the completion of new battery technology and new factories, Tesla's advantages in the field of electric vehicles will be even more obvious.



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