The relationship between battery power and -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The relationship between battery power and output voltage -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

1. The voltage will be slightly lower than 12V, but after a period of time, the voltage will be returned near 12V. Generally speaking, the battery voltage will be certain

2. There is no direct relationship between the power and voltage. The power unit is Ashishi (AH), that is, the electricity volume Q = i*t. I is current, T is time. Mian is a unit of current, which is the hour, 1 安 = 1000 mAh. The power definition of the battery is the multiplier of the discharge current (ama orh) and the discharge time (hour) of the battery. It can be described as: if you 10 Amnemal indicate that the current can continue to power for 10 hours, or continue to power the power at 10 amnesia. etc. For example, a 40 -time/12 -volt battery can provide 480 watts of electricity for one hour.

Because the capacity of the battery should be the product of the voltage of Ashishi and the battery (Volt V), its unit is WH (WH). (1W = 1A*1V) The capacity unit of the battery is AH, which is the discharge current × discharge time. It is to discharge with a certain fixed current. When the voltage ends of the battery are lower than a certain termination voltage, the discharge time (unit hour) and discharge current at this time. In addition, the capacity of the battery has a lot to do with the discharge multiplier. For example, the 20 -hour rate capacity of a 12V battery is 10AH, which means that the current of 10/20 = 0.5A is discharged to 20 hours, and the voltage at both ends should not be less than 10.5V.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Chemical energy converted into electrical devices is called chemical battery, which is generally referred to as batteries. After discharge, you can regenerate the internal activity material in the manner -storage of electrical energy as chemical energy; the chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy again when discharge. This type of battery is called StorageBattery, also known as a secondary battery.

The so -called battery is a kind of electrical chemical equipment that stores chemical energy and releases electrical energy if necessary.

StorageBattery is a device that directly converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It is a battery designed by rechargeable charging. It is re -charged through reversible chemical reactions. It usually refers to lead -acid batteries. It is one of the batteries. It belongs to the secondary battery. Its working principle: During charging, the external electrical energy is used to regenerate the internal active substances and store the electrical energy as a chemical energy. When the discharge needs to be discharged, the chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy output, such as the mobile phone battery commonly used in life.

It uses a lead substrate (also known as a grid) full of lead-like lead substrate (also known as the grid) as the negative electrode, fills the lead substrate grid full of lead dioxide as the positive electrode, and uses a dilute sulfuric acid with a density of 1.26--1.33g/mlg/ml as an electrolyte. When the battery is discharged, the metal lead is a negative electrode, which occurs with oxidation reactions to generate lead -sulfate; lead dioxide is a positive pole, a reaction occurs, and lead sulfate. When the battery is charged with DC, the two poles are generated and single -quality lead and lead dioxide. After moving the power, it returned to the state before discharge to form a chemical battery. Lead batteries can be charged and discharged repeatedly. Its single voltage is 2V. The battery is a battery pack composed of one or more monomers. Essence For example, the battery (commonly known as the battery) used in the car is a battery pack with 6 lead batteries in series.



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