The new battery works normally in winter -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The new battery is no longer "lying" in winter -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Electric vehicles with all-climate batteries will be unveiled at the Beijing Winter Olympics. The performance and longevity of this new battery have been fully verified in field fleet tests conducted in severe cold regions for three years.

"The problem of low temperature resistance of lithium-ion batteries has been solved." This battery technology comes from Wang Chaoyang, an academician of the National Academy of Inventors. He is a technical scientist for power lithium-ion batteries, energy storage and fuel-powered lithium batteries. On November 6, Wang Chaoyang pointed out at the Tencent WE Conference that energy storage technology is a key core technology to achieve the "dual carbon" goal and energy revolution, and has great strategic significance.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Academician of the National Academy of Inventors, Wang Chaoyang, a technical scientist of power lithium-ion batteries, energy storage and fuel power lithium batteries.

Photo courtesy of Tencent WE Conference

Batteries are everywhere, and new battery technologies often become the key to the rise of new industries. However, in 200 years, the battery structure has not changed much. It consists of three materials: a negative electrode material, a positive electrode material, and an electrolyte that separates the two. This structure naturally forms two interfaces: one exists between the cathode material and the electrolyte, and the other is between the anode material and the electrolyte. There is a potential difference between the two interfaces, which gives the voltage of the battery.

"Whether we are using the battery or not, the reaction interface in the battery has been working diligently and actively." Wang Chaoyang said, this is also the root cause of the battery's safety hazards and aging.

Lithium-ion batteries are very afraid of cold, and electric vehicles may lie down in winter: the cruising range is shortened and it is difficult to charge.

The battery material itself cannot satisfy both low temperature high activity and high temperature stability. Engineers need to add a thermal management system to the battery to ensure the safety of the battery. As a result, additional battery weight, volume and cost will be added.

Is there a kind of battery that can turn off the reaction interface when it is not working to improve safety; when it is working, increase the interface and increase the intensity to give the required high power?

Wang Chaoyang's team has been looking for and exploring such batteries with tunable interfaces.

They have created an all-climate battery, which is published in the journal Nature. Without increasing the flammability of the electrolyte or changing the thermal stability of the electrode material, they implanted a 10-micron-thick nickel foil inside the battery as a heating element. Using the energy that comes with the battery, plus a switch, the activity of the battery can be adjusted at will. Even if the battery is frozen in an environment of minus 30 degrees, it only takes 30 seconds to heat itself to above zero and work normally.

This technology has been adopted by the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and has become one of the core technologies for driving Olympic electric vehicles.

Add a piece of nickel foil, sounds like a pretty easy way. Wang Chaoyang told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that there is a tortuous exploration process behind it. The team has tried various methods and various materials: some have poor safety, some have low energy conversion efficiency, and some are very beautiful in the laboratory, but they still cannot be industrialized..." After 20 years For many years, my own feeling is that simplicity is beauty. Scientific discoveries with real practical value are ultimately the ultimate simplicity." Wang Chaoyang said with emotion, "Innovation requires persistence and perseverance. For so many years, our team has been tracking batteries and energy storage. The problem."

Based on the principle of thermal regulation, the team also invented a 10-minute fast-charging battery. Wang Chaoyang believes that the application and promotion of 10-minute fast-charging batteries is an important milestone in the development of electric vehicles—quick energy replenishment can free electric vehicle owners from mileage anxiety.

Wang Chaoyang's dream is to take a flying car to work before retiring. He pointed out that the biggest technical problem in flying cars is the battery. The requirements for the battery of a flying car are quite high, and it must quickly replenish the battery immediately after each landing. "Our experiments so far have demonstrated the feasibility and economy of a 10-minute fast-charging battery for flying cars."



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