Lithium-ion battery industry technology -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The lithium-ion battery industry still has great room for technological progress -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

As a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy, the battery has developed from the "Leyden Jar" in 1746 to the present, and has been divided into nearly 20 categories. In recent years, new batteries that have attracted market attention have emerged one after another.

For example, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries can generate electricity with near-zero carbon emissions by separating electrons in hydrogen gas and generating electric current. Many governments and automobile companies also strongly support the development and application of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries.

At the beginning of this year, the American hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery giant Plug Energy was once sought after, and its stock price also fluctuated. "Although hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries have given the market good expectations for green and environmental protection, from the perspective of actual development speed and promotion, they are still in the conceptual stage in recent years." A senior expert in the battery industry told reporters.

Coincidentally, this kind of picture-like imagination also exists in supercapacitors.

As a power source with special properties between traditional capacitors and batteries, supercapacitors have the advantages of fast charge and discharge speed and long cycle times. Also for environmental reasons, public transportation vehicles and braidless trams equipped with supercapacitors are planned to be promoted on a large scale in many cities. There are many opinions that with the advancement of technology, supercapacitors will be able to replace batteries.

Supercapacitor experts told reporters that there are misunderstandings about the capabilities of supercapacitors. Taking new energy vehicles as an example, supercapacitors can usually compensate for peak power during vehicle starting and acceleration. But the key to determining the range of electric vehicles is lithium-ion batteries. Under the current circumstances, supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries have a complementary relationship, and no one can replace the other. For a long time in the future, the energy density of supercapacitors will not be comparable to that of lithium-ion batteries.

The degree of industrialization of fuel-powered lithium batteries and supercapacitors is not high, while traditional dry batteries, lead-acid batteries, and nickel-chromium-nickel-hydrogen batteries have problems such as heavy environmental pollution and short service life. Therefore, for a considerable period of time in the future, lithium-ion batteries with relatively balanced performance in all aspects will still be the best choice in the future battery field.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The rapid development of electric vehicles around the world has further triggered the demand for lithium-ion batteries. A report released last month by research firm Navigant showed that the stable and reliable performance of lithium-ion batteries has led to their increasing use in battery-powered and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Global demand for lithium-ion batteries will surge over the next decade, with the market value rising every year.

Although, the future development trend of lithium-ion batteries is generally upward. There is also a structural overproduction. In particular, domestic low-end lithium-ion batteries are competing fiercely. On the other hand, high-quality lithium-ion batteries with high technological content are in short supply. This polarization means that lithium-ion batteries, which appear to be technologically mature, still have considerable room for technological progress.

For lithium-ion battery raw material production companies, in addition to breakthrough innovations in positive and negative electrode materials, lithium-ion battery electrolyte may become another key point for breakthrough.



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