The first wave of car battery retirements -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The first wave of car battery retirements -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

For a new battery, the whole process will cost about 60,000 yuan. "With a little more money, I can directly buy a new car." This made Liu Gong, a new energy car owner, a little "sick". After all, the price of this new energy vehicle 5 years ago was only more than 100,000 yuan after subsidies.

The mileage of this car has exceeded 150,000 kilometers, and the original advertised mileage of 300 kilometers "can't even run half of it now".

After testing, the power lithium-ion battery capacity of this car has decayed to less than 70%. Because it has exceeded the warranty period of 8 years or 150,000 kilometers promised by the manufacturer, Liu Gong can only replace the battery at his own expense.

How much can I depreciate an old battery? The method given by the 4S store is very disappointing. If the repurchase by the 4S store is "almost equal to a free gift". The staff said "you can also handle it yourself", but how do you handle it yourself? Liu Gong was at a loss.

The recycling and disposal of used batteries for new energy vehicles is only a small problem in Liu Gong's life, but it is a major problem that must be solved in the development of my country's new energy vehicle industry.

With the help of various forces such as policies and capital, my country's new energy vehicle industry has been rushing all the way in recent years. The latest data from the my country Association of Automobile Manufacturers shows that from January to October this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in my country were 2.566 million and 2.542 million respectively, with a cumulative sales penetration rate of 12.1%. This means that for every 8 vehicles sold in my country, 1 is a new energy vehicle.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

While the production and sales of new energy vehicles are booming, the first batch of new energy vehicles put into the market, their power lithium-ion batteries are facing "retirement". According to the data, it is estimated that by 2025, the cumulative decommissioning of power lithium-ion batteries in my country will be close to 800,000 tons.

How to deal with retired batteries has become an imminent development problem for the new energy vehicle industry. Driven by the "dual carbon" goal, battery recycling has become a new industry outlet. In the face of the huge potential market size, how to do a good job in battery recycling and improve the level of resource recycling? There is still a need to improve the industrial chain, and what are the "blocking points" that need to be solved urgently?

1. The "white list" can't spell the "black workshop"

Power lithium-ion battery is one of the three core components of new energy vehicles. Its performance directly determines the safety and cruising range of the vehicle, and the cost accounts for about 40% of the vehicle.

From the perspective of the service life of power lithium-ion batteries, the service life of power lithium-ion batteries is generally 5-8 years, and the effective life is 4-6 years. According to the analysis of the China Merchants Securities Research Report, if the service life of the power lithium-ion battery is 4-6 years, the power lithium-ion battery produced in 2014 will enter the retirement period in batches in 2018. It is expected that starting from 2021, my country will usher in the peak period for the first batch of power lithium-ion batteries to be retired.

Where should batteries go after decommissioning?

The ideal power lithium-ion battery recycling mode has two paths: cascade utilization and recovery and extraction of raw materials. The former is to disassemble and recombine retired power lithium-ion batteries and apply them to energy storage and other fields that do not require high battery energy density; the latter is to extract expensive metal materials such as cobalt and nickel from scrapped batteries.

According to Guo Wenhui, executive deputy general manager of Zhuhai Zhongli New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., when the battery cannot meet the performance requirements of electric vehicles and is retired, the battery shape and performance are evaluated and tested, and corresponding reformation is carried out on this basis. Afterwards, it can be used in other scenarios that do not require high battery performance, such as grid energy storage and low-speed electric vehicles.

For power lithium-ion batteries that cannot be downgraded and continue to be used, recycling is their final destination. The battery modules are finely disassembled, and then put into the pole piece crushing device, and then metal materials such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium are extracted from them to make lithium carbonate and other products, which can be reused in the production of new batteries to realize resource recycling.



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