The advantages and disadvantages of lithium -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The advantages and disadvantages of lithium -ion battery -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The advantages and disadvantages of lithium -ion battery

Unique: No memory effect, the total weight is relatively light.

Disadvantages: The cost is relatively high, and the working current is small.

Lithium ion batteries have disposable lithium-ion batteries (not battery charging) and the second power lithium-ion battery (rechargeable battery). Lithium ion battery.

Under normal circumstances, the digital camera uses the second power lithium -ion battery (recharging battery). Compared with nickel -metal hydride batteries, the total weight is relatively light, and the volume power density is 48%higher than the heat efficiency. In this way, the total volume of the second battery production and sales of lithium ions is gradually higher than that of nickel -metal hydride batteries. Such a battery has a small battery charging and no memory effect. The battery charging frequency can reach 600 times, especially in recent years. Under normal circumstances, the battery cylindrical or square space is limited, and the total weight is lighter.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Lithium -ion batteries do not have the risk of explosion if they are not satisfactory. If they are not careful, they need to build a chip to prevent full charge, but the cost is relatively much enhanced. Lithium -ion batteries are not unified by the model specifications, so that it is difficult to buy the battery after sale. It's just that at this stage, countless improvements have been improved.



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