Lithium battery technology innovation -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Technological innovation is the direct driving force for the development of power lithium battery industry -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Technological innovation is the direct driving force for the development of the power lithium-ion battery industry.

In terms of medium-term goals, the application of high-nickel, lithium-rich manganese, and lithium supplements has accelerated; in terms of long-term goals, the critical point of industrialization of solid-state batteries and fuel-powered lithium batteries is approaching. "The more treacherous the situation, the more calm and composed it is." After nearly ten months of baptism in the industry in 2018, it can be seen that companies in the entire new energy vehicle power lithium-ion battery industry chain are quietly undergoing some subtle changes. The pressure coexists and shares, and the issue of survival is placed in the first place.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Calm and calm people calm down to research and develop, and do not follow blindly. They are all trying to use the cornerstone of "technical innovation" to pry the mountains on their bodies, waiting for counterattacks in the post-subsidy era.

➤Vehicle companies: explore the balance point of safety/performance/cost

In the passenger vehicle and special vehicle market, especially the logistics vehicle market, OEMs also face many operational difficulties. For example, the sharing economy was booming last year, and a large number of players entered the time-sharing leasing field. But judging from this year, problems such as high operating costs and difficult maintenance have also forced many car companies to retreat.

After experiencing the policy of subsidy retreat again, although the number of new energy vehicle companies has decreased, the atmosphere of marketization has become stronger and stronger. How to achieve a perfect balance between safety issues that cannot be ignored and quality improvement and cost reduction? New energy car companies all choose to start with technological innovation.

First of all, the safety issue is mentioned again and again, and the status is respected, especially the high specific energy power lithium-ion battery will face more severe safety technical challenges. As the top priority of car companies, including BYD, SAIC, BAIC, GAC, Geely, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan and other series of car companies have reached strategic cooperation with domestic and foreign universities on battery thermal runaway management.

Ouyang Minggao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and executive vice chairman of the my country Electric Vehicle Hundred People Association, once said: "The high specific energy of lithium-ion power lithium-ion batteries is the development direction and trend of the world (new energy vehicles). We cannot not develop high specific energy batteries because of safety issues. The key is to grasp the balance between high specific energy and safety."

Specifically, the current method adopted by many car companies within the affordable range is to provide liquid cooling technology in the pack link. Dr. She Peiliang, chief engineer of Shuangdeng Frontier, once told Gaogong Lithium Battery: "The ternary material is prone to oxygen evolution when it is overcharged, and it is easy to self-catalyze the reaction when it is thermally out of control. The speed is too fast to prevent risks such as explosion and fire. Therefore, its operating temperature range must be well controlled."

In order to prevent the occurrence of the above problems, battery companies, pack companies and car companies that make ternary material batteries (and individual lithium iron phosphate batteries) systems for passenger cars will definitely use liquid cooling systems; some logistics vehicles use cylindrical ternary material battery systems, and will also use liquid cooling technology.

➤Power lithium-ion battery company: a new challenge under the trend of solid technology and high nickel

Facing the inherent safety problem of high-nickel ternary power lithium-ion batteries, Ouyang Minggao believes that the mechanism is that the positive electrode will release oxygen, and battery companies can delay the release of oxygen from the positive electrode through interface modification and improve stability; another way is to develop the next generation of solid electrolytes to fundamentally solve the problem of electrolyte combustion.

At present, domestic power lithium-ion battery companies including Ningde Times, BYD, Guoxuan High-Tech, Funeng, Lishen, Yiwei Lithium Energy, Jiewei, etc., are all stepping up the pace of technical research and development teams.

On the next-generation technology route, solid-state batteries are the most recognized route, and hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries are also emerging.

On the other hand, the process of domestic hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries is one step faster. Starting from the seventh batch of recommended catalogs, there are more and more models supporting hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries. In first-tier cities such as Shanghai and Guangdong, hydrogenation/refueling joint construction station projects are quietly increasing.

➤Lithium battery material company: It is the right way to insist on not relaxing technology research and development

Some power lithium-ion battery companies have chosen to switch from square to soft packs, while others have found another way, aiming at solid-state batteries, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries and other routes. In order to match the rhythm of the battery company, the material company naturally did its best.

The pen and ink are limited, and only the electrolyte and diaphragm companies are used as examples. The safety guarantee and performance improvement of power lithium-ion batteries is a systematic project, which is also the fundamental reason why the industrialization progress of power lithium-ion battery companies varies under the introduction of high-nickel positive electrodes.

The introduction of high-nickel positive electrodes or silicon-carbon negative electrodes can actually improve the high specific energy performance of power lithium-ion batteries in theory, but there are also many system problems that follow, which requires the cooperation of other materials. For example, how to solve the problems of poor wettability and reduced liquid retention of the electrolyte in the high-nickel high-voltage cathode material system; after the diaphragm is thinned, how to take into account safety under the premise of ensuring puncture strength, thermal performance, and porosity? All of these need to be solved in cooperation between material companies and battery companies.

At present, Xinzhoubang is working on tackling high-nickel electrolyte additives; senior diaphragm veterans such as Xingyuan Materials, Cangzhou Mingzhu, and Zhongxing New Materials have also provided new solutions for battery companies.

➤Lithium battery equipment company: moving forward under the pressure of research and development and accounts receivable

Compared with materials companies, the transformation of equipment companies is mainly concentrated in several key process segments, but the integration trend of coating roller separation, cutting and stacking, chemical composition and storage + warehousing and logistics is gradually emerging.

In terms of equipment, the technological innovation segment mainly focuses on the coating, die-cutting, winding/lamination, drying and other links of power cell production. For example, in terms of die-cutting, laser die-cutting technology is becoming more and more popular to replace traditional hardware die-cutting; in the production of soft-packed batteries, the offensive and defensive battle of winding laminations is also quietly going on.

Some equipment company executives complained to Gaogong Lithium Battery: Many battery companies are always bidding multiple times in order to lower prices, and a large number of uneven equipment suppliers gather, resulting in chaotic market prices. In this context, many equipment companies’ repayments are still concentrated in distribution, and the pressure on accounts receivable in the later period is not small, and they have to digest the new wave of equipment research and development costs themselves. The equipment companies cannot tell.



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