Reconstructed lithium titanate battery -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Reconstructed titanate rechargeable lithium battery -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Walking into the National Wind-Light Storage and Transmission Demonstration Power Station in Zhangbei County, you can see rows of towering white wind turbines and sparkling blue photovoltaic panels on the green grassland.

This is the largest wind and solar storage and transmission demonstration project in my country. It adopts the world's first wind and solar storage and transmission combined power generation construction ideas and technical routes. It is a new energy comprehensive demonstration project integrating wind power, photovoltaic, energy storage devices and intelligent power transmission. .

This power station can "store" wind and light resources that are "difficult to predict, control, and dispatch", and convert them into high-quality and reliable green power for input into the grid, and can operate in "smooth fluctuations" and "peak shaving and valley filling". Flexible switching between modes, in the case of loss of external power supply, the energy storage power station can maintain the normal operation of the power grid through the internal self-starting capability.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment )

The development of energy storage technology is one of the key core technologies to promote new energy power generation and improve the security and stability of the power grid. Among various types of electrochemical energy storage technologies, lithium titanate batteries have the characteristics of long cycle life and good safety performance, which are well suited to the application scenarios of grid energy storage, but the high cost of lithium titanate batteries It is not conducive to large-scale energy storage applications.

In this regard, the my country Electric Power Research Institute, together with a number of units, jointly established a project team of "development of low-cost lithium titanate batteries for energy storage and development and application of system integration technology". After years of research, the project team has proposed a lithium titanate battery material system and production process reconstruction principles and technical methods to meet the needs of energy storage applications based on the original lithium titanate battery based on the needs of energy storage applications. Micron-sized lithium titanate material. The lithium titanate battery for energy storage developed by the project maintains the intrinsic characteristics of long life, and the cost is greatly reduced. In the 2017 Beijing Science and Technology Awards, the project won the second prize.

The next outlet for new energy

Energy storage is considered to be the next outlet for new energy. As a forward-looking technology to promote the development of the new energy industry in the future, the energy storage industry will play a huge role in new energy grid integration, new energy vehicles, smart grids, microgrids, distributed energy systems, and home energy storage systems.

"The reason for the development of energy storage is that photovoltaic and wind power generation are intermittent and unstable. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with the energy storage system to supply stable and reliable power." Director of the Energy Storage Battery Ontology Research Office of the my country Electric Power Research Institute Yang Kai told reporters.

The use of large-scale energy storage technology can promote the development of renewable energy, improve the security and stability of the power grid, improve the quality of power supply, and effectively alleviate the contradiction between power supply and demand.

Large-scale energy storage systems run through all aspects of power generation, transmission, distribution, and use. Its application can not only improve the performance of traditional power systems, but also revolutionize the planning, design, layout, operation management, and use of power grids. In this sense, energy storage technology is the technical commanding height of national strategic significance, and the development of energy storage technology is actually "storing the future".



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