Rechargeable lithium battery clean energy -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Rechargeable lithium battery clean energy -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

According to foreign media reports, as the world scrambles to replace fossil fuels with clean energy, the environmental impact of extracting battery components such as lithium and cobalt may itself become an important issue.

It's a thoroughly modern riddle: What links the batteries in smartphones to dead livestock floating on inland rivers? The answer is lithium -- a reactive alkali metal that powers our phones, tablets, and notebooks Computers and electric cars supply power.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

In May 2016, hundreds of protesters threw dead fish salvaged from inland waters onto local streets. A toxic chemical spill from a local lithium mine wreaked havoc on the ecosystem.

(Pictured: Bolivia's Atacama Plateau. Workers drilled into the surface of the world's largest saline soil. Their goal was to find places with high levels of lithium in brines rich in magnesium and potassium. Since the 21st century Since then, most of the world's lithium has been extracted this way, rather than using ore resources.)

From the photos, there are a lot of dead fish floating in the river. Some witnesses said livestock were also seen dying from drinking contaminated water, with their bodies floating downstream. The environment is deteriorating with the dramatic increase in local mining activity.

Lithium-ion batteries are an important part of the global realization of clean energy. The TSLAModelS's batteries contain about 12 kilograms of lithium, while grid storage solutions that help balance renewable energy have more lithium.

Global demand for lithium has risen exponentially, with the price of lithium doubling between 2016 and 2018. Annual production in the lithium-ion industry is expected to rise from 100 megawatt-hours (GWh) in 2017 to nearly 800 megawatt-hours in 2027, according to consultancy Cairn Energy Research Consultants.

The current surge in demand dates back to 2015, when the global rollout of electric vehicles began, said William Adams, head of research at MetalBulletin. This has led to a huge increase in the number of projects mining lithium, with "hundreds more in the pipeline," Adams said. This in itself could become a serious environmental problem. Christina Valimaki, an analyst at Elsevier, said: "Our insatiable thirst for the newest and smartest devices has led to one of the biggest environmental problems, the growing mineral crisis. Especially the crisis of minerals needed to produce batteries."

(Pictured: Tarija, Bolivia. Salt traders load trucks with lithium-rich salt. Bolivia's salt flats are believed to have the highest lithium reserves in the world. The Bolivian Andes may contain 70% of the Earth's lithium. Many analyses Lithium extraction from brine is considered more environmentally friendly than from rock. However, as demand increases, companies may extract lithium from brine by heating, as it is a more energy-intensive resource.)

In South America, the biggest problem is water. The continent's lithium distribution triangle covers parts of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. Beneath the local thick salt layer, there are more than half of the world's lithium metal deposits. It is also one of the driest places on earth. This is a real problem because to extract lithium, miners first drill a hole in the salt flat and pump mineral-rich brine out of the surface.

The mines then let this mineral water evaporate for several months, first making a mixture of manganese, potassium, borax and lithium salts, which are then filtered and placed in another evaporation pond, and the cycle goes on and on. After 12 to 18 months of filtration, lithium carbonate -- a white gold -- can be extracted from the mixture.

This method is relatively cheap and effective, but uses a lot of water throughout the process—about 500,000 gallons of water per ton of lithium extracted on average. In Chile's Atacama province, mining activities consume 65 percent of the region's water. This has had a huge impact on the production activities of local farmers - who grow quinoa and alpacas - in an area where some communities already have to obtain water from elsewhere.

Even in water-rich regions the situation is worrisome. Lithium ore's toxic chemicals have a high chance of leaking from evaporation ponds into the water supply. These toxic chemicals include hydrochloric acid, which is used to process the elemental lithium into a saleable form, and those wastes that are filtered out of the brine at each stage. In Australia and North America, lithium is often mined from rocks using more traditional methods, but chemicals are still used to extract usable lithium. The Nevada study found that lithium processing operations affect fish as far as 150 miles downstream.



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