Power lithium battery manufacturing process -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Power lithium battery manufacturing process -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The new energy vehicle industry will gradually transform from policy-driven to demand-driven. First, as more car manufacturers participate in the power of new energy, market competition will lead to new price reductions for car manufacturers; secondly, manufacturers reduce costs by expanding production to achieve economies of scale.

UBS said my country's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) for electric and gasoline vehicles will break even by 2023. If we take into account my country's high subsidies for new energy vehicles, this goal is expected to be achieved earlier than expected. Under the influence of various factors, the price of new energy vehicles will continue to decline, and demand-driven will become an important driving force for career development.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Lithium battery structural overcapacity, the industry pattern is decomposed in two stages

The occupational useful capacity of lithium-ion batteries is still insufficient, and the occupational concentration will continue to rise in the future, and the strong continuous strong trend is irreversible.

From the perspective of supply, in 2016, the domestic leading power lithium-ion battery production capacity was 6.935 billion kWh, and it is expected to increase to 36.055 billion kWh by 2020, with an increase rate of 51% over the same period. Assuming that the output of the five major battery manufacturers (Panasonic, Samsung, LG, BYD, CATL) will increase according to a unified 50% occupational increase rate, it is expected that the output supply of the five companies will reach 180Gwh by 2020.

From the perspective of demand, by 2020, the global sales of new energy vehicles are expected to reach 3.734 million units, and the equipment usage capacity will be at least 324Gwh. In the context of the withdrawal of low-end capacity lithium-ion battery manufacturers and the increase in concentration, we assume that the cargo volume of the five leading battery factories will rise to 70% occupation by 2020, when their capacity must reach at least 226.84, women and available capacity is still lacking.

With the rise of domestic battery factories, domestic companies are based on some high-end products, driving the technical level of all equipment to improve, and gradually catch up with foreign giants in the field of high-end equipment such as coating machines, winding machines, and cutting machines. It is estimated that by 2020, the output rate of domestic lithium-ion battery equipment will reach 80%, and there is huge room for domestic equipment to replace.

The future development plan of lithium-ion battery production equipment includes two main lines at home and abroad. Globally, potential leading companies such as Panasonic, LG Chemical, Samsung SDI, CATL, BYD are expanding production on a large scale. Chinese companies represented by pilot intelligence will further establish cooperative relationships with more leading manufacturers to complete global supply.

On the other hand, the financial pressure passed from bottom to top is different between large and small customers. Smaller new energy vehicle companies rely more on subsidies, equipment companies have more serious credit problems, and equipment companies face pressure on their accounts receivable.



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