Major breakthroughs in the research and development of lithium-air batteries-Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Major breakthroughs in the research and development of lithium-air batteries

The basic chemical principle of lithium-air battery is very simple. This kind of battery realizes discharge by combining lithium and oxygen to form lithium peroxide, and then completes charging by reversing this process by applying current. Recently, a research paper published in the journal Science showed that Clare Grey, a professor of chemistry at the University of Cambridge, and her team have overcome the technical difficulties in the development of lithium-air batteries, and the Cambridge team has overcome Some practical problems in this technology—especially the problem of chemical instability. Prior to this, due to this chemical instability, lithium-air batteries will show a rapid decline in performance. How to solve this problem is the challenge faced by the technology in the actual application process.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)
In theory, this kind of battery allows electric vehicles to have a cruising range comparable to gasoline and diesel vehicles without having to carry a huge and bulky battery pack. The energy density of lithium-air batteries is 10 times higher than the current lithium-ion technology prevailing in rechargeable batteries. It means that the storage capacity of lithium-air batteries is 10 times that of other lithium batteries for the same volume of batteries. The researchers said that the battery system demonstrated in the Cambridge laboratory has an efficiency of 90% and can be recharged 2000 times.
This breakthrough in research and development may lead to the creation of rechargeable super batteries, which can greatly expand the range of electric vehicles, and may greatly improve the economic benefits of power storage. It is also possible for fuel vehicles to be completely replaced by lithium-air battery vehicles.



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