The construction of photovoltaic power stations -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Introduction to the construction process of photovoltaic power stations -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The completion of each photovoltaic power station is the hard work of the project manager. This article is a project manager who has worked on the front line for many years when he has noticed a northwest project, and specifically records various problems encountered at the project site. Although some scattered, they all reflect the true situation of the front line. Let people see a careful and serious heart about work under his rough appearance.

1. Emergency funds

The project manager will encounter various complicated problems at the scene:

The local residents of the project interfere with the project, and related reports of the media are common; the contradictions between the construction staff and the foreman, the contradiction between the supplier and the subcontractor, and even the incident of the strike of the workers!

Photovoltaic power generation projects are generally remote. If you encounter unexpected situations, you need to use money, and it is not practical to seek support. Therefore, there must be certain flow funds at the construction site.

Proposal: On -site is equipped with financial and accounting staff, responsible for the management of project funds and engineering funds.

2. Drawing and data management issues

Data management issues

The total contractor, subcontracting unit, supplier, and the relationship between each unit are complicated, forming a large number of special personnel to organize and summarize materials and documents. The lack of critical information will lead to the slow progress. After some requirements and proposals of the construction unit and owners are implemented, there is no record, which may cause some negative impacts on the later engineering settlement.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Proposal: Configure professional datamen, and the company introduces data templates or lists to form a system.

Slow drawing speed

The general project is a white picture and the construction. The blueprint is always more lagging than the construction, and even the construction of the electronic landscape paper. If the blueprint is inconsistent with the electronic version and white map, the design institute has changed. However, if a large number of design changes occur in the later period, there will be too many problems during acceptance.

There are many design tasks connected by the design institute. Basically, which project is urged, the design of the project first does. Generally, the project will send a person to urge pictures in the design institute, and the drawing is more fast. But when the special person did not return to the headquarters at the design institute, the speed of the drawing immediately slowed down.

Proposal: A colleague specially arranges a colleague to urge the drawing in the design institute, and waits until the drawings are all out before leaving.

There is no representative of the design institute at the scene

The design institute has no representative of the field at the scene. The problems in the drawings cannot be dealt with in time. Write feedback, and then send an email to the design institute. time. And no one stared at the design institute, and the design institute responded slowly.

Proposal: When signing a contract with the Design Institute, add the requirements for the establishment of the factory.

3. Equipment supply problem

The extension of the goods on the scene affects progress

The materials at the project site are often unable to arrive at the scene to delay the construction progress.

Proposal: The supply head office strictly controls the contract, and the contract should be strictly stated in the contract, and the contract shall be implemented in strict accordance with the contract.

The interests of equipment manufacturers and logistics companies affect the speed of goods

Equipment manufacturers are delivered to trusting logistics companies, but equipment manufacturers often have economical with logistics companies. This causes the goods sent by equipment manufacturers to be deducted at the goods station.

Proposal: I haven't thought of a good treatment method for the time being, and can only urge manufacturers.

The supplies cannot be available on time

Materials cannot be available on time, resulting in the phenomenon of nest work.

Who bought the material?

The materials at the scene sometimes found that there are not enough situations. At this time, it is necessary to purchase secondary purchases.

Proposal: Clarify the purchasing party, issue a written notice, and buy it within a time limit.

4. The problems occurred during installation

Causes of photovoltaic components

1) Backboard damage: In the installation engineering, the backplane often has scratched phenomena, which will cause the backplane to be sealed tightly and enter the water vapor, which will cause rapid power attenuation.

2) Skills of tempered glass: During the module handling and installation process, there is a phenomenon of turtle glass broken, which will cause the component installation damage rate to increase the damage rate.

3) Perial color difference: When installation, it is found that the components within each box will have a serious color difference; if the color difference is installed together, it will cause a large matching loss.


1) Make necessary training for workers, and strictly implement the installation specifications. The two workers are required to carry a component to solve the offenders seriously.

2) Open the multi -box component, put it into a piece, and pick the colors in a group.

Bracket problem

The bracket production error is large: the installation space deviation of the left second beam and the right beam of the bracket is large, and the amount of adjustment is not adjusted, resulting in unclean installation of the battery plate.

Stainless steel screw locking phenomenon is serious: stainless steel screws used for installation components often have locking phenomena.

Proposal: 1) Buy better screws; 2) When twisting the screws, twist it slowly to reduce fever. It is best to wipe it clean before twisting and apply butter.

Unsightly ground

General component grounding is welded from the bracket to welded the iron and connected to the main connection network. Flat iron cannot enter the ground along the foundation, and it seems not very regular.

Proposal: After the construction team enters the field, you can finish the entire field, leave the balance, and pour the flat iron in the basis.

Climate conditions affect installation

1) General power station projects are located in the frontier wind and affect welding.

Proposal: The template for pouring with civil construction, nail a cover, welded in this cover to block the wind. But pay attention to fire prevention.

2) The wire shaft is blown down by the wind: When the cable is released, the cable is convenient, and the wire shaft is generally stood up, but the wind on the Bohu side is strong, and it is easy to blow the line shaft.

Proposal: When setting up the line, when you close, remember to remind the inspection of the construction party to put the line shaft pour.

5. Problems in civil construction

Cable trench problem

1) The cable trench in the flow area on the drawing area is passed by under the component. If the construction is constructed, mechanical excavation is easy to touch the component, artificial excavation, time and labor, and delay the construction period.

Proposal: Open the cable sulcus on the road, so that it saves manpower and speeds up the progress of the project.

2) Use small red bricks below 5. ± 0.00, the problem of cable sulcus barriers: When the construction team is built with a 35kV basis, a porous brick is used below ± 0.00, and the drawing is a small red brick. After communicating with design, we agree to use porous bricks. However, when I was doing cable brackets, I found that the bracket showed signs of falling off. The reason was that the expansion bolt of the bracket was hit into the wall and entered the free place.

Proposal: Put the expansion bolts in multiple places to reduce the force of each expansion bolt. But the proposal must be constructed next time.

Reverse room -related issues

1) The fire door of the inverter room is shaved off some door holes to varying degrees.

Proposal: When the owner's own amount, we should inform the fire door manufacturers that we measure the size of the door, and the other party should reserve the amount of installation; or require the fire door manufacturer to directly measure the door hole.

2) The ladder outside the inverter room wall was reserved when the wall was built, but at that time, the thickness of the insulation board was not considered, which caused the ladder to leave the ladder too tight and not.

3) The inverter pastes the insulation board outdoors, and then plastering, giving people feel like a wall, but it is actually the insulation board. This will cause people to climb to the end when people climb the inverter chamber from the outside of the wall, and cause danger when holding the wall with their hands.

Proposal: 1) Remember to consider the thickness of the insulation board next time.

2) Add a ladder like a swimming pool.

The problem of garbage is not cleaned in time

The native garbage at the scene was not cleaned in time, resulting in the installation of components, the construction waste was not easy to clean.

Proposal: Supervise the civil construction team and clean up the garbage in time. Then, then

6. Cooperation with the partner

1. Equipment manufacturer

The technician is here slowly

Some manufacturers' technicians arrived slowly. Delayed installation and debugging.

Proposal: For the rich amount, let the manufacturer's technicians attend the scene in advance. One is that there is time to explain equipment and training for us, and on the other hand, it will not delay the installation and debugging.

On -site technology command

Some equipment manufacturers do not supply technical personnel to conduct on -site command. If you have any questions about the equipment, you need to call to contact. Many questions have been communicated on the phone for a long time, and the other party cannot accurately judge.



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