"Internal" power lithium battery -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

"Internal" power lithium battery -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The media coverage appears to be lagging behind the battery companies' production expansion. While we are still discussing whether the global power lithium-ion battery production will be excessive in 2025, battery companies have already started a new round of production expansion. On December 8th, on the second battery day of Honeycomb Energy, the company, which was established less than four years ago, raised its target for the Nth time - challenging 600GWh of production and 450GWh of shipments in 2025. At the first Battery Day in 2020, it aimed to reach 40GWh of shipments in 2025.

While Honeycomb Energy increased its target by 10 times within a year, on the other hand, on December 8, CATL signed a cooperation and investment agreement with the Suzhou Municipal Government; on December 7, LG, which ranked second in the world, New Energy also announced that it plans to raise tens of billions of dollars to go public... Driven by new energy vehicles, power lithium-ion batteries have become one of the most lively tracks this year. And like all potential and competitive tracks, involution is inevitable in this industry.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Production planning, another round of "go ahead"

There are two "famous" rumors in the battery industry: one is that Xiaopeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng stayed in the Ningde era for a week in order to get the battery; the other is that there are at least seven "bosses" of OEMs in Ningde every day. The times stand guard. Although both He Xiaopeng and CATL denied the rumors in the end, the lack of battery supply is evident. So this year's power lithium-ion battery industry has a clear trend - expanding production has become one of the main themes.

From the statistics, it is not difficult to find that from the first-tier CATL and BYD, to the second-tier Guoxuan Hi-Tech, Zhongxinhang (China Aviation Lithium), Honeycomb Energy, Yiwei Lithium Energy, and then to the third-tier Funeng Technology, Ruipu Energy , Xinwangda, etc., all mainstream power lithium-ion battery manufacturers have started production expansion this year. Even regardless of the current scale, they have almost all set themselves an ambitious 2025 production target this year:

In addition to Honeycomb Energy's announcement that it will challenge 600GWh of production in 2025 and ship 450GWh, some institutions have previously predicted that its output in 2025 will also be about 600GWh according to the production plan of CATL;

BYD has news that its production in 2025 may reach 430GWh;

Guoxuan Hi-Tech stated in its semi-annual report that it will strive to achieve a production scale of 300GWh in 2025;

In the strategy announcement meeting, China Innovation Airlines clearly stated that the planned output in 2025 will reach 500GWh;

Liu Jincheng, chairman of Yiwei Lithium Energy, bluntly stated that the goal in 2025 is to produce 200GWh of power storage batteries;

The production plan of Ruipu Energy in 2025 is 200GWh;

With the blessing of Mercedes-Benz, Funeng Technology also announced that its production target in 2025 is expected to exceed 120GWh;


In this way, just these companies, the production plan in 2025 is already close to 3000GWh.

In the predictions of most research institutions, the demand for power lithium-ion batteries in 2025 will be around 1TWh. In other words, if the current production plan is advanced, the overproduction of the entire power lithium-ion battery industry will become inevitable. However, in the context of the rising demand for downstream batteries, every company in it is more willing to believe that it can take advantage of the wind. As for whether they will face excess production, they all showed absolute confidence.

Previously, Liu Jincheng, chairman of Yiwei Lithium Energy, once said that in the face of this risk, the company must continuously improve the quality and performance of its products. And Liu Jingyu, chairman of China Innovation Airlines, said bluntly, "As long as the company's technology passes the test, there will be no excess production." When the entire industry is in a frenzy, the competitors in the industry will inevitably fall into a strategic position of either advancing or retreating. In the head company to expand production, others can only be coerced forward. Otherwise, there will only be an outcome of being eliminated.

The competition for raw materials is as "crazy" as the land

At the end of October this year, Australian miner Cattlin released a set of data. The average price of lithium concentrate, an important raw material for power lithium-ion batteries, reached $1,650/ton in the fourth quarter, up 112% from $779/ton in the third quarter. This has never been the case before. Along with the expansion of production, the "mine grabbing war" in the upstream of the power lithium-ion battery industry is also in full swing.



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