High-energy-density battery models on the rise -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

High-energy-density battery models on the rise -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

On August 2, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the 8th batch of catalogs in 2018, including 385 models from 111 companies. Up to now, including the fifth batch of 1977 models re-entered into the catalog according to the new subsidies, there are 4 batches of 3057 models in total that meet the new subsidy policy in 2018. The trend of high energy density continues unabated, the proportion of fuel power cells increases, and passenger cars contribute significantly. In addition, the concentration of power lithium battery companies decreased slightly, and CATL continued to lead(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

1. The eighth batch of recommended catalogues will be announced as scheduled.

A total of 385 models from 111 companies were selected in this batch of catalogues, an increase of 13% compared to the seventh batch of 342 models. This batch of catalogues includes 51, 152, and 182 models of passenger cars, passenger cars, and special-purpose vehicles, respectively. The special-purpose vehicles increased by 40% month-on-month. Since the New Deal, the special-purpose vehicle models entered the catalogue exceeded the passenger car models for the first time. In contrast, passenger cars continued to show sluggish performance, down 7% month-on-month, accounting for 39%. The performance of passenger cars was basically flat, with a slight increase of 4% month-on-month, accounting for 13%, in line with expectations.

Source: WeChat public account "China Merchants Power Equipment and New Energy" Author: You Jiaxun Team

Special vehicles increased by 40% month-on-month, passenger cars continued to decline, and passenger cars rose slightly. This batch of catalogues includes 51, 152, and 182 models of passenger cars, passenger cars, and special-purpose cars, respectively. Special-purpose cars have increased by 40% month-on-month, and their proportion has increased by 9 pct to 47%. Since the new policy, the number of special-purpose cars in the catalog exceeds that of passenger cars for the first time. .

In contrast, passenger cars continued to show sluggish performance. This batch of 152 models was selected, down 7% from the previous month, accounting for 39%. The performance of passenger cars was basically flat, with a slight increase of 4% month-on-month, accounting for 13%, in line with expectations. In terms of models, the continued heavy volume of follow-up special vehicles is worthy of attention.

The proportion of fuel power cells increased, and passenger cars contributed significantly. There are 353 models of pure electric vehicles in the eighth batch of catalogues, accounting for about 92%, still maintaining a high level, including 47 models of passenger cars, 128 models of passenger cars, and 178 models of special-purpose vehicles. There are 13 models of plug-in hybrid (including hybrid) vehicles, including 4 passenger cars and 9 passenger cars, accounting for about 3%, down 19% from the previous month.

There are 19 models equipped with fuel power cells in this batch, accounting for about 5%, with a significant month-on-month increase of about 138%. Among them, there are 15 passenger cars and 4 special-purpose vehicles. The application of fuel power cells in the field of passenger cars has increased significantly.

Policy uncertainty is gradually eliminated: On the whole, starting from the fifth batch of new supplements, the catalog will maintain the rhythm of one batch per month and continue to be published normally. The 5th to 8th batches of recommended catalogues announced models were 1977/353/342/385, with a total of 3057 new models. The transition period between old and new policies has been successfully transitioned, and uncertainties at the policy level have been gradually eliminated, and the new energy vehicle market is expected to accelerate again.

2. Sanyuan maintains the mainstream position of passenger cars, and lithium iron phosphate dominates the application of passenger cars and special vehicles.

In terms of passenger cars, the ternary accounted for 73%, 82%, and 86% of the sixth, seventh, and eighth batches, respectively, still in the mainstream. In terms of passenger cars, LFp accounts for about 81%, 78%, and 70% in the catalogues of batches 6-8, and the trend of application-oriented is obvious. In terms of special vehicles, LFp accounted for about 32%, 40%, and 50% of the three batches of catalogs, respectively, and the application ratio exceeded three yuan (36%) for the first time.

Sanyuan maintained its dominance in passenger car applications, and its proportion in special vehicles declined. In terms of passenger cars, the ternary accounted for 82%, 73%, 82%, and 86% of the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth batches, respectively, still in the mainstream.



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