Lithium battery technology development -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Current status of power lithium battery technology development and industrialization research -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

At present, the market demand for new energy vehicles in my country is driven by government subsidy policies, rather than real rigid demand. Wang Zidong said that the large companies that are growing now were cultivated under such severe bubble conditions, and in fact they may not be truly strong. Judging from the financial reports of major listed companies, most of the financial data are not optimistic. From the perspective of the global market, my country's new energy passenger vehicles' world share reached 51% from January to September 2018, and it will still have the ability to maintain its first place in the future; however, Wang Zidong also said that currently, my country's new energy vehicles are only in quantity and quality. rare.

Analysis on the development of power lithium battery technology at home and abroad

With the development of electric vehicles, the demand for the core of the three-electric system of electric vehicles has also led to a new wave of cooperation and business opportunities. Some OEMs have chosen to produce their own batteries, motors, and electronic controls. Wang Zidong said that the purpose of independent research and development of three-electric systems by car companies is to master the core technology so as not to damage production due to supply conflicts. The advantage of a diversified layout is that it helps battery suppliers compete for customers, enhances the competitiveness of vehicle companies, and increases market share.

Judging from the categories of power lithium batteries in China, Japan and South Korea, the three countries currently see mutual penetration. my country makes all kinds of batteries; South Korea mainly uses ternary material square large-capacity batteries; Japan mainly uses small-capacity round ternary material batteries. From the performance comparison of various structural power lithium battery modules, circular power lithium battery modules have low cost and poor other properties; soft-packaged power lithium battery modules have high energy density, high integration efficiency, long life and high cost; square power lithium batteries The module has low cost, high integration efficiency, good charge and discharge performance, high reliability and moderate energy density.

Comparing the layout of domestic companies and overseas companies, we can find that the domestic battery companies’ cooperation with car companies are basically domestic brands, their market planning is concentrated in my country, and the overall market is relatively closed. Battery suppliers of mainstream international automobile companies have not chosen domestic batteries. Wang Zidong believes that currently power lithium batteries are only available at home and have to go global.

On the road of industrial development, Japanese companies have been slower and have been gradually surpassed by South Korea. South Korea's lithium-ion battery industry has a very high degree of industry concentration, little vicious competition, and can maximize its resource advantages. Coupled with the Korean government's long-term support and the company's rolling accumulation of technology, it will have a clear advantage in the global power lithium battery field. my country's power lithium battery market is the broadest, which is the biggest advantage of my country's lithium-ion battery companies.

Wang Zidong said that the current industry concentration in my country's lithium battery industry is not high, the company's entry threshold is low, local protectionism is prevalent, and there are a large number of small and medium-sized lithium-ion battery companies without core competitiveness, resulting in uneven quality and vicious competition in the industry; the company Lack of foresight, weak technical strength, poor product quality, and low corporate social responsibility have hindered the healthy development of my country's lithium battery industry to a certain extent. Wang Zidong believes that if this situation continues, it will be difficult for my country to become a power lithium battery power.

Problems encountered in the industrial development of power lithium batteries in my country

1. The risk of overproduction is increasing day by day. Due to strong support from national policies, various domestic investment entities are competing to enter the field of new energy vehicle manufacturing and promote the rapid development of the new energy vehicle industry. However, along with the rapid development of the new energy vehicle industry, the risk of overproduction is accumulating.

2. Safety issues of power lithium batteries. Influencing factors such as power lithium battery materials, separators, adhesives, structure, sealing, production technology, production process control, etc. may cause fire accidents. Although we understand what may cause a fire accident, from the actual situation, when an accident occurs, it is difficult to determine the specific cause of the fire in the power lithium battery.

The development and verification of various materials for power lithium batteries takes 1-2 years, or even longer. Wang Zidong believes that the country's current practice of rapid upgrading and adjustment of the specific energy of power lithium battery systems once a year is inconsistent with the development cycle required for passenger car power lithium battery systems. The result is that many verification tasks cannot be fully verified. , leading to frequent fire accidents.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Wang Zidong said that if there is no obvious technological breakthrough in the materials of current power lithium batteries, it will be difficult to make further breakthroughs after the specific energy develops to a certain level. At the same time, the negative impact on security is growing.

3. High-power DC charging. Generally, most public charging piles use DC charging technology. The advantages are fast charging and short time. The disadvantage is that it affects the service life of power lithium batteries and poses safety risks.

4. Long life and reliability of power lithium battery. At present, there are many problems that the driving mileage of electric buses has shrunk significantly after 2-3 years of use. In serious cases, the driving mileage is too short and the buses are stopped. Important reasons for the problem include: poor battery performance (related to the production company), poor consistency (related to large differences in cell performance and low technical level of the group), and lack of correct maintenance and upkeep.

Development trends of new energy vehicle industrialization

Most of the current electric vehicle products are transformed from traditional vehicles. Wang Zidong believes that in the design of electric vehicles, the thinking of car companies has been imprisoned by traditional automobile manufacturing, and no real new energy vehicles have been manufactured. For example, Wang Zidong said that the battery life of an Apple mobile phone is only one day. The key reason why consumers choose it is the added value; ordinary modified electric cars have no added value that is different from traditional cars, so it is difficult to compete with traditional cars. . In addition, electric vehicles are currently not energy efficient, and their carbon emissions are almost the same as those of fuel vehicles. In addition, under the dual pressure of rising prices of upstream raw materials and lower prices from downstream vehicle companies, power lithium battery production companies are suffering. There is a serious lack of follow-up development funds, and the company lacks stamina.

Wang Zidong believes that car companies must use new commercial operations to develop unique electric vehicle products that the market really wants, rather than products driven by subsidy policies, and guide the application of new energy vehicles. Power lithium batteries must actively develop multi-level utilization projects in energy storage and other fields, lengthen the application chain of power lithium batteries for new energy vehicles, and effectively reduce the cost of power lithium batteries in the application process. Wang Zidong believes that the requirements for improving the quality and reducing costs of power lithium batteries cannot be achieved by battery companies alone, but can only be achieved through the cooperation of the entire new energy vehicle industry chain.

In view of the current performance requirements for power lithium batteries for new energy vehicles and energy storage systems, Wang Zidong believes that it is necessary to find new solutions in terms of safety, reliability, stability, energy density, wide temperature window applications, charging acceptance capabilities, costs and resources. The way out is to make breakthroughs in materials, battery structures, production processes, and integration methods.

Wang Zidong said that to solve the problem of integrated design of power lithium battery system and electric vehicles, the design of battery packs and modules must be comprehensive and comprehensive. It cannot be integrated by just picking up a product: solve the weight and energy density of power lithium battery system. , volumetric energy density, charge acceptance capacity, discharge capacity, safety, high temperature adaptability, low temperature adaptability, cycle life, shelf life, production efficiency, maintenance convenience, recycling convenience, cost acceptance and other basic performance balances. .

In terms of battery maintenance, Wang Zidong said that power lithium batteries need to be maintained, but currently many companies' battery packs do not have reserved maintenance interfaces, making this effective repair method not popular. Improvements must be made from two aspects. First, industry authorities shall formulate corresponding standards and policy support; second, maintenance interfaces must be reserved on the battery pack system to improve maintenance efficiency.

From the perspective of product quality assurance, the vehicle company should lead the supply chain. First, it can make the battery and the vehicle better; second, in the long run, self-built batteries are more conducive to product quality control than cooperating with battery suppliers. .

Finally, Wang Zidong said that the safety of power lithium batteries should be given top priority, and reliability should be paid attention to. On the premise of ensuring safety and reliability, the energy density of power lithium battery systems should be improved. Pay attention to system optimization and choose the most appropriate design method. Strengthen research on power lithium battery recycling technology and find low-energy, pollution-free recycling methods; research material repair technology to improve material utilization.



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