New technology for battery performance -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Berkeley Lab develops new technology to significantly improve battery performance -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

According to foreign media reports, scientists at Berkeley Lab in the United States have used new methods to elucidate the least understood parts of lithium-ion batteries, laying the foundation for significantly improving battery performance.

(: Berkeley Lab)

Using a technique developed by scientists in the laboratory's field of energy technology, the researchers hope to elucidate the structure of large organic molecules that occur during battery operation. It is known that these molecules are present in the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer of batteries and have a significant impact on battery performance, but little is known about them.

Chen Fang, a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory's energy technology field, said: "The research results reveal the chemical composition inside the lithium-ion battery from a new dimension and provide a new direction for the rational design of the battery's electrolyte system."

At Berkeley Lab's Molecular Foundry, researchers use unique "on-electrodechromatography" technology and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) diagnostic facilities to isolate and display large-scale chemical components that occur during battery operation. Organic molecular structure. Electrode chromatography can separate organic molecules on the electrode surface, and MALDI is often used to characterize biomolecules such as proteins and peptides.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

This coupling method has been successfully applied for the first time in battery research and has high adoptability thanks to commercial instrumentation. On this basis, scientists can accurately and easily identify the molecules in the battery, including their structure and weight distribution.

Battery scientist Gao Liu said that designing a better electrolyte system will help create the next generation of batteries. "Current electrolyte systems perform well at ambient temperatures and existing battery chemistries. However, regarding high energy density batteries, high voltage batteries, or batteries operating in extreme cold and extremely fast charging conditions, currently used The electrolyte is not well compatible with it."



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