Soft pack lithium battery technology -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Application and development of soft pack lithium battery technology -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

"Traditional automobiles belong to the manufacturing industry and show a linear increase; while smart electric vehicles belong to technology-based companies, their rise is exponential. Tesla in the United States, Weilai and Xiaopeng in my country are all like this."

A few days ago, the "Second New Energy Vehicle and Power Lithium Battery (CIBF2021 Shenzhen) International Exchange Conference" was successfully held in Shenzhen. The theme of this conference is "Application and Development of Soft Pack Battery Technology", focusing on soft pack battery technology, supply chain, market and investment development.

At the special forum on "Application Prospects of High Energy Density Soft Pack Batteries", Fang Jianhua, partner and president of the new energy vehicle venture capital sub-fund of the National Science and Technology Achievements Transformation Fund, published a speech entitled "my country's power lithium battery industry under the double cycle: trends and investment Opportunity Analysis" keynote speech, which analyzed in detail the development trend, investment opportunities and industrial thinking of the power lithium battery industry under the domestic and foreign dual-cycle environment.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Fang Jianhua said that due to a series of factors in recent years, my country has formulated a development strategy that focuses on the domestic cycle and the international and domestic dual cycles. my country's power lithium battery industry is in such a situation: the domestic market is the mainstay, but leading companies have also begun to actively participate in international market competition. At present, domestic power lithium battery consumption accounts for about 80%, and about 20% participate in the international market. market.

Fortunately, the influence of my country's power lithium battery companies in the international market has gradually increased. Fang Jianhua predicts that in the next few years, the proportion of China, Japan and South Korea in the global power lithium battery market will change from the current 3:3:3 to 4:3:2, and more domestic battery companies will participate in international market competition. This is mainly due to the many advantages of my country's power lithium battery industry:

First, the market is huge, and there are many powerful power lithium battery companies;

Second, the industry chain is the most complete, which not only guarantees the security of the supply chain, but also keeps the cost unconstrained;

Third, it has strong technological innovation capabilities, rich product technology routes, and technology iterations driven by market applications are significantly higher than other markets;

Fourth, thanks to the industrial chain and technological progress, the cost reduction of domestic batteries is relatively fast.

Fang Jianhua pointed out that my country's power lithium battery industry has gone through the stage of reshuffle and elimination from the stage of barbaric growth, and now it has entered the stage of sustainable development. At this stage, the technology route, market competition and development prospects of power lithium batteries are becoming clearer. For example, on the battery technology route, lithium iron phosphate and ternary batteries are divided into two parts, and it is no longer the policy-oriented ternary battery that is thriving. At the same time, with the decline of subsidies and the rise of battery replacement models, Fang Jianhua expects that lithium iron phosphate will have greater application scenarios and market space.

In 2020, the market capitalization of listed companies in the new energy vehicle and power lithium battery industries will see a wave of soaring. Many people have doubts about whether there is a bubble in new energy vehicles. Fang Jianhua believes that traditional automobiles are a manufacturing industry with a linear growth rate; while smart electric vehicles are technology-based companies with an exponential growth rate. "Tesla in the United States, Weilai and Xiaopeng in my country are all like this."

Talking about the development opportunities of power lithium battery companies, Fang Jianhua pointed out that although many powerful power lithium battery companies have entered the capital market and the pattern has basically taken shape, the pattern of the power lithium battery market has not been finalized. There are still some companies that focus on certain products, models and technologies, including new forces. There are still opportunities. Recently, we have seen that new lithium battery forces (in terms of installed capacity) such as honeycomb have begun to exert their strength. .”



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