Battery BMS Management System -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

Introduction to the battery BMS management system -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

The purpose of the lithium ion battery BMS management system

The lithium -ion battery management system BMS is a set of control systems that protect the use of power lithium batteries. It is always monitored to the use of the battery. It can alleviate the inconsistency of the battery pack through necessary measures and guarantee the safety supply of new energy vehicles.

The lithium -ion battery management system BMS determines the status of the entire battery system by detecting the status of each single battery in the power lithium battery pack, and performs the corresponding control adjustment and strategy execution of the power lithium battery system according to their state to achieve the power lithium The charging and discharge management of the ion battery system and each unit to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power lithium battery system.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Lithium -ion battery BMS recognition misunderstanding

1) The more functions, the better. The function can be satisfied. The more the more the better, the simpler the system can be higher.

2) Deliberate the collection accuracy of parameters such as voltage or temperature. The reasons are as above, and the accuracy can be met. Excessive accuracy may not cause BMS performance to improve, and the cost will be added.

3) BMS can repair batteries with poor performance. BMS cannot repair batteries with poor performance, at best to slow down its difference and suppress its impact.

4) Balanced can solve inconsistent battery capacity. There is no significant improvement in capacity differences between the separate charging or discharge balance. Only large current discharge balance can improve the inconsistency of capacity.

The above is the introduction of the lithium battery protective board and lithium ion battery BMS management system. The lithium -ion battery protection board can isolate several lithium -ion batteries to prevent short circuits in the circuit.



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